Stop doubting yourself. Of course it matters.
Why else would you have a business?

Knowing your work matters and clearly expressing why and how it matters are two very different things. It's often easier for our instincts to make good decisions than to describe clearly to clients, investors, donors, grantors, etc why we take the steps we do and how it creates a desired impact.

CRD Impact, LLC understands that you often know more about your business and its purpose than you can easily explain. People communicate and understand impact in different ways, and it is important that an organization know how to discuss its work with various stakeholders.​

There are both distinct and overlapping phases to building capacity, strengthening strategies, and explaining impact. All are important to sustaining and growing a business. CRD Impact is skilled at walking you through any or all stages: Collecting the qualitative, quantitative, and market data on your business practices and goals; analyzing the data; strengthening strategies and processes; and communicating successes and impact via digital marketing strategies, grants, and more.

What We Do

CRD Impact uses real-time data to elevate organizational performance. We identify, collect, analyze, and market the data you need to strengthen and disseminate your service or product to clients and stakeholders. Our model uses community research to power equitable marketing and design.

Our economy evolves rapidly and organizations need project and program managers with specialized skills to carry out temporary, high-level work either short or long-term. The nature of the specialist evolves from project to project, making it difficult to hire a full-time individual with specialized knowledge— a dilemma solved through CRD Impact's contract model. With a diverse variety of highly specialized products, we serve organizations with fluctuating needs, allowing organizations to save money and achieve their specific goals. Services come with the benefit of vast, local knowledge and connections in the Tampa Bay and Manasota regions.

Nonprofit Consulting

Whether leveraging data to understand organizational needs, develop emerging programs and projects, or create marketing for stakeholders, CRD Impact delivers strong data design and analysis. 

Research is the foundation of any strong strategy. Learn more about how CRD Impact uses research to market your impact.

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Research & Business

CRD Impact supports growth and development through UXB and needs-based research, product design feedback, social media, database management, website assistance and more!

We hold discovery meetings to identify your KPIs and build a marketing plan to communicate your value through your website, donor material, and more.

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“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

- Audre Lorde


“Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.”

- Mae Jemison


"Courage is like — it’s a habitus, a habit, a virtue: you get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging."

-Marie Daly

Our work

Is that what they call a vocation, what you do with joy as if you had fire in your heart, the devil in your body?

-Josephine Baker

Recent Posts

Learn more about our unique, holistic approach by reading our blog entries. We focus on research, project management, effective communication, community social impact, and more.

Group of people on a brewery tour

the power of connectors in social networks

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Adopting Systemic Approaches

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Problem-Solving & Critical Thinking: A Bit on The How

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Problem-Solving & Research: Are you Solutions or Advice Driven?

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A Loving Ode to the International Future Problem Solving Program

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