CRD Impact Projects & Clients
This page provides a quick look at project examples. For more information on how CRD Impact can elevate your organization, please contact us using the form below.
Web Support
A good website not only attracts customers. Websites that clearly outline your expertise and services save you significant time and money. CRD Impact builds small to mid-size websites and also performs website upkeep.
Our exceptional researchers are also experts in marketing tools. We can lead you through the discovery phase where together we will outline your objectives and Key Performance Indicators. The outcomes from the discovery phase will be used to create real impact for you and your business through a well-designed website. Market yourself through a new site or hire us to upkeep your current one. We work on Wix, WordPress, and Shopify.
Junior-level requests are $60 an hour with senior-level coding requests at $75 an hour. Projects (end-to-end builds, larger updates) are determined on a case-by-case basis. Reach out to learn more about how CRD Impact can help you better market your business today!
Active Sites
Former Sites (PDF Available)
Research-Centered Projects
Manatee Elementary Community Partnership School
CRD Impact and principal investigator, Decker, was one of two local researchers hired to conduct a community needs assessment for the Manatee Elementary School attendance zone in preparation for the implementation of a Community Partnership School. Decker’s role focused on outreach for local businesses, students, and families. She developed the instruments for and executed the ethnographic research including conducting focus groups, interviews, and distributing surveys. Decker also wrote the analysis of the community outreach in the Needs Assessment report entitled, “Speak Up for Our Kids: A Guide for Addressing Community Needs to Inform the Priorities, Programming, Service Delivery, and Development of the Community Partnership School™ for the Manatee Elementary Attendance Zone.”
From this project emerged two intersecting initiatives: another qualitative research project executed with a Sociological Initiatives Foundation grant and a language learning research project and course.

CRD Impact LLC wrote and received a $20,000 grant from the Sociological Initiatives Foundation to conduct a project in the Manatee and Samoset Elementary zone in Manatee County, Florida.
The project built on previous efforts to bring community voices to bear on educational policy, programming, and practice. Using community-engaged research methods with organizational partners, the school district, and neighborhood residents of Bradenton, FL, CRD Impact developed an action plan for guiding schools and service providers to effectively engage with parents to make early learning (ages 0-10) and parental language learning more responsive to the cultural diversity and linguistic differences of families in our communities.
The work executed under the SIF Grant contributed to another local nonprofit (UnidosNow’s) initiative entitled “Neighborhood Champions” and acted as a guideline for local organizations to effectively collaborate to address social needs using ethnographic research methods and responsive program implementation.
2 Generation School Readiness English Course
CRD Impact LLC (in collaboration with partner, Spark Growth) hosted three weekly courses that focused English Language Learning on helping parents in the Manatee County School Dstrict. The English courses targeted vocabulary and computer platforms relevant to a School District of Manatee County parent. Additional community resources and digital literacy tools were also provided.
The focus on computer and English literacy was executed through a two-generation approach with the intent on assisting parents with access to the tools that promote school readiness, homework help, and social and emotional intelligence; avoid summer slide; and possess the information necessary to access basic needs in the community.

Data & Marketing Projects
Updates coming soon on clients like Results 1st, All Together Limitless, Whimsical Wizard Worldwide, and more.