See more writing examples from our CEO and Principal Investigator, Cassandra Decker, at her author site.

the power of connectors in social networks
Society arrived at a reckoning in the last few decades, finally admitting (openly! With fervor! And even money!) that concepts like cultural belonging, inclusion, and concentrated efforts to build and maintain social networks matter. Not only do these concepts matter for an individual’s success, they are often drivers of economic stability for both individuals and […]
Adopting Systemic Approaches
I have leveraged systemic approaches for so long now that implementation is natural both for day-to-day tasks, large projects, and ongoing initiatives. Based on recent conversations (where people ask “how DO you think like that?”) Here are some tips to work toward systemic thinking. Our world has always been more interconnected than is obvious, but […]
Problem-Solving & Critical Thinking: A Bit on The How
Problem-Solving in Business Decisions Everyone wants a problem-solver… until that person’s solutions go against what is easy and cheapest (at that point in time) for a business. The argument against building a foundation based on research that then allows for effective and efficient strategy and processes is that, at the moment, it is inefficient (costly) […]
Problem-Solving & Research: Are you Solutions or Advice Driven?
Got problems? Who doesn’t.Got answers? Same response. Got solutions? … Maybe Problem-Solving Qualities: An Enduring Fallacy Nowadays not a job description out there fails to include “problem-solving” as a desired trait… and with good reason. The world is nowhere near as simple –or even as complicated–as a few decades ago. The world (and ergo projects, […]
A Loving Ode to the International Future Problem Solving Program
Announcer: “Future Problem Solver? Can I get a future problem solver here?” Me: “Present!” I’ve been involved in the International Future Problem Solving Program since 1997. I started as a Global Issues Problem Solver in a team and, when my team did not advance to the state bowl, was provided the alternate (individual) spot. This […]
Some Assembly Required… Maybe?: Aligning Goals by Understanding and Communicating the Problem
Lately, I have started in on the long list of house projects. Some have waited around the last three years (since I purchased my home) and others are newer. All provide a sense of accomplishment…. and a tinge of frustration. Just like any good project, eh? Misaligned and Shifting Projects Frustration during projects often does […]