Problem Solving

Problem-Solving & Critical Thinking: A Bit on The How

Problem-Solving in Business Decisions Everyone wants a problem-solver… until that person’s solutions go against what is easy and cheapest (at that point in time) for a business. The argument against building a foundation based on research that then allows for effective and efficient strategy and processes is that, at the moment, it is inefficient (costly)

Problem-Solving & Critical Thinking: A Bit on The How Read More »

Problem-Solving & Research: Are you Solutions or Advice Driven?

Got problems? Who doesn’t.Got answers? Same response. Got solutions? … Maybe Problem-Solving Qualities: An Enduring Fallacy Nowadays not a job description out there fails to include “problem-solving” as a desired trait… and with good reason. The world is nowhere near as simple –or even as complicated–as a few decades ago. The world (and ergo projects,

Problem-Solving & Research: Are you Solutions or Advice Driven? Read More »

A Loving Ode to the International Future Problem Solving Program

Announcer: “Future Problem Solver? Can I get a future problem solver here?” Me: “Present!” I’ve been involved in the International Future Problem Solving Program since 1997. I started as a Global Issues Problem Solver in a team and, when my team did not advance to the state bowl, was provided the alternate (individual) spot. This

A Loving Ode to the International Future Problem Solving Program Read More »

Some Assembly Required… Maybe?: Aligning Goals by Understanding and Communicating the Problem

Lately, I have started in on the long list of house projects. Some have waited around the last three years (since I purchased my home) and others are newer. All provide a sense of accomplishment…. and a tinge of frustration. Just like any good project, eh? Misaligned and Shifting Projects Frustration during projects often does

Some Assembly Required… Maybe?: Aligning Goals by Understanding and Communicating the Problem Read More »

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